I love it when a plan comes together...
Stories like this give me hope for the future.
Ah, the autumn season is upon us, with all the seasonal fall festivals, fairs, and beautiful weather to enjoy. If you happen to be in NW North Carolina, or SW Virginia this weekend, may I highly recomend a visit to the JEB Stuart Homeplace , home of the ledgendary hero of the war between the states. Twice a year, in the fall and spring, the homeplace is turned into an accurate encampment of Union and Confederate troops, and stages realistic battles once each day. Also, you can do walking tours through the grounds, and get a look at how life was during that time. Photographs do not do things justice, but here are a couple to give you an idea of what you might see.
They don't just get a bunch of goobers to put on uniforms for the weekend, either- especially when the uniform is that of General Robert E. Lee. Each and every re-enactor (both North and South) is a documented decendant of someone who fought- and in many cases died- in that time. The person pictured above representing R.E. Lee earned that right by demonstrating his knowledge of the history of both the General and the period, and prior to the battle will do a question and answer session with the gathering crowds. Living history, indeed.
The lower photo is a field medical kit of the sort used to treat battlefield injuries and sickness. A lot of people are surprised to find out that more men died from desease than battle injuries during the war. If you have the stomach for it, they do a nighttime candle lit tour of the battlefield, with a graphic medical demonstration of 'medical care' given to the wounded. It's not for everyone.
Given the state of education in this country today, if I had kids this would be mandatory visit each year, to conteract the politically correct brainwashing that goes on in public schools now. Try it- you'll thank me later.
Labels: The Confederate States
I hope to have some seriously good posts coming soon. Thanks for your patience.
Having a bad day? Need something to put a smile back on your face? There is always the wit and wisdom of the gunners guru, Col. Jeff Cooper and his Cooperisms.....
We need some more folks like the late Colonel, for sure.
Labels: Great Quotes, gun rights activism
Ok, perhaps this one is a bit on the geeky side, but I still think it explains a great deal about how the goverment spends our money....
Now remember, there will be a test on the material presented at the end of the semester.
As if we needed another reason to support the concealed carry movement, we have this jewel via The Patriot Post:
To Keep and Bear Arms
An 82-year-old woman was approached by a man in Sierra Vista, Arizona, in a Walmart parking lot when he began to threaten her. "This is your day," the man told her. "You are too old to be alive anyway." He then took her cane away and began beating her with it. However, he was unaware that she was carrying her handgun, which she quickly pulled from her purse and began firing at the suspect. Witnesses nearby were alerted by the gunshots and came to help the elderly woman. The suspect was taken into custody by police shortly afterward. Impending charges include attempted murder. The courageous woman later told the media, "If I go naturally or to a sickness or something, fine. I'm ready to go, but I'm not ready to let some idiot like that take me out."
The next time you hear some sniveling political type whinning about 'gun violence' remember that sometimes the gun violence saves someones grandma. Amazing how animals like the one in this story learn their manners when confronted by lethal force. Good job, granny. Next time you hit the range, the ammo is on me.
Mourning an old friend.. or Good bye to the local Drive In...
3 comments Posted by Mtn Man at 10:38 PMA news story last year highlighted our local drive in as one of only 11 left in the state of North Carolina. Unfortunately, as of March 15th, that number has now been reduced to 10.
Reaction to the news locally has been overwhelming. Hardly anyone within driving distance of our town hasn't watched a movie at "The Bright Leaf." My parents took my sisters and me to see movies there on hot summer Friday nights, crammed into the back of a huge 1967 Ford Station Wagon, hoping we'd fall asleep so they could watch the second feature in peace.
In the sixties there were Westerns- John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. The Seventies brought Vanishing Point, Billy Jack, and the "Trinity" Westerns.
Always, always a double feature. Sometimes, if you could stay out late, all night shows.
Unlike a lot of drive in movies, The Bright Leaf stayed open year round. The original owner, Don Davis, was always there with a smile and knew you by name. He's always ask me how my dad was doing. On Halloween there would be an all night spook-tackular, and if you weren't careful one of the concession staff would likely scare the bejesus out of you with a rubber mask and a growl before the night was done....
Unfortunately, Don died a few years back. The Bright Leaf was almost closed then, but the outcry from generations of movie goers who grew up with her bough her some more time. Some of the remaining employees- all of whom had day jobs as well- leased the property and worked hard to make it a great place to go spend a night under the stars. They did well- when the weather was nice, you had to show up hours before dark to get a good parking place. The food was some of the best anywhere- try getting a hot dog like that at the local movie chain! and they still showed the old trailers from the 1950's- talking popcorn and soft drinks encouraging you to stop in at the CONSESSION STAND during the intermission. And my favorite, a vintage 1950's short encouraging you to attend your place of worship this Sunday...

Most useful thing yet to do with a Christmas tree and a bunch of rocket motors...
2 comments Posted by Mtn Man at 9:50 PMIf you have not already figured out something to do with the old Christmas tree, you might try this one:
I love it when a plan comes together...
Labels: Humor
Via Time Bomb 2000:
Haiti Ham radio emergency relief nets and frequencies
For those that want to either listen in or help SATERN Is active on the following frequencies.
7.045 and 3.720 MHz (IARU Region 2 nets), 14.265..., 7.265 and 3.977 MHz (SATERN nets), 14.300 MHz (Intercontinental Assistance and Traffic Net).
Right now they have heard no ham radio stations out of Haiti, and nether have hams in the Dominican Republic.. but they will be working on the frequencies for a long long time.
Also the airport in Haiti has opened up for relief agencies only at this time.
I am not a ham operator (yet) but do enjoy listening to SW radio when possible. For those of you with the means to pick up these broadcasts, it's always an eye opener to hear what is going on before it is filtered through the reporting media.
Labels: News Stories and commentary
Yes, I know there is a lot of serious stuff hitting the fan right now. I've got some strong thoughts on what is going on in Haiti right now, and I'm sure you do as well. But without time to step back and get away from the horrors going on in the world occassionally, we'd all go insane. So I'm hoping the lighter posts will give you that short break, for just a minute, before we get back to the serious business of trying to save what is left of the United States of America, and the Constitution.
Ok, break is over. Back to the serious work at hand.
Labels: Political Humor
Three Missing after Animal RIghts activists Take on Leather wearing bikers
0 comments Posted by Mtn Man at 8:34 PMKeyboard alert, this one is too funny.
Oh, please, could that one come true?
Labels: Humor