Ah, the government and education. Is there anything they can't do?
This field used to be an overgrown bit of woods with a creek running through the back, which emptied into a small river. Great place for finding just about any critter you'd care to look for, from frogs, turtles, snakes, birds, squirrels, and more. Usual assortment of trees, plants, and insects, from just plain bugs to magnificent praying mantis.
Just the perfect place to bring in a bunch of heavy equipment and have a big old taxpayer funded project. Why, instead of all that natural stuff, we can level it off and kill nearly everything in sight, so we can teach everyone about what a danger to the environment evil white conservative men mankind is.
How much will all this cost? Don't ask.
Will this teach the kids about nature? Somehow, I'm thinking the lessons the government teaches these days are a bit... slanted. You want to learn about nature, go camping. Or better yet, hunting. For something that could kill and eat you.
Not to worry, the taxpayers will pay for everything.


Several years ago here in Birmingham, Al. we were having the endless debate (still raging) over a domed or hopefully doomed stadium to bring in tourist to see the Civil Rights Museum or that B.U. S. ( big ugly statue ) of the Vulcan overlooking the city or some other shit I don't know which. The arguement seems to be whether to have it( it was voted down) and where to put it. A couple of radio hosts found the perfect location for the site. A big empty field with nothing on it. Just fuck nature and plain open spaces,. lets fill it up with concrete and build something where no one will go and more taxes will go to upkeep. This is my little rant and I am sticking to it.

May 8, 2009 at 9:01 PM  

Oh, and although it was voted down a couple of times, looks like we're still going to get it anyway.

May 8, 2009 at 9:03 PM  

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