I am still obviously very new to blogging, and still very much trying to decide how I want things to look and work around here. I appreciate any and all suggestions, and hopefully things will settle into a productive pattern soon. As you can see I have changed the template, in order to work better with blogger and have more control over layout. Obviously, colors are not my strong point- be patient and perhaps one day someone will convince me there are more than 5 colors in the world. My main concern is that the entries be easy to read on everyones screen, which isn't always possible, but I am trying to come as close as I can.

About the only regular feature so far is the "Sunday Morning Biographies" which I decided to use so we could have at least one day a week to look forward to some good news, and easy reading. It is not my intention to preach gloom and doom every day- enough of that out there as it is. Rather I'd like to mix some entertaining and light hearted stories in with serious discussion of ideas in the hope of attracting readers who may not agree with everything I say, in order that I might get them to think about what position they have taken. I may not change a lot of minds, but I find that a discussion with someone who disagrees with you makes you think a lot harder and work on your own position more so than 'preaching to the choir.'

You will notice I have started catagorizing stories at the lower left hand of the page now. The catagories are far from perfect, and there are some things that will be hard to find, but I hope this will help you find what you are looking for if you want to find something specific, or if you like one subject I cover but not the rest.

Finally, feel free to post comments as you feel the need. I enjoy the feedback, and it lets me know what is working. Should you have something you do not wish to post publicly, I will consider a email address for feedback in the future if enough people ask for it.

Thanks again for stopping by, hope you will want to come back soon.

Mountain Man.


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